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Any disposal items that do not meet LRC requirements will be turned away at the attendant's discretion.  

The Landscape Recycling Center is a valuable resource for residential and commercial customers in Champaign County and the surrounding area.


We are financially self-sustained by disposal fees and product sales.   Tax will not be charge on the disposal of materials.

Please take some time to review the LRC Rules and Regulations before visiting the facility.

Unacceptable materials

  • Animal and/or any food waste

  • Concrete

  • Flocked Christmas Trees

  • Foal Manure

  • Railroad ties

  • Wood Building materials (Decking, Fencing, Lumber)

  • Plastic bags

  • Refuse or debris

  • Wooden Fencing

  • Tree stumps or root wads

  • Wood or Cardboard pallets

  • Wood Furniture

  • Coconut core basket


LRC is required to report to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for prosecution any user found disposing of refuse and/or unacceptable material. Violators will also be suspended from the site. Drivers are responsible for their loads and must remove all unacceptable material before dumping.

Acceptable material and disposal fees

Bagged material(paper bags only)

Separated: Leaves, Grass, Flower, Vegetable Garden trimmings only please!   






1 - 6 bags

(Minimum Fee)

7 - 9 bags

We do not charge per bag.  Bags are charged by the group.

Loads that have more then 9 bags will be measured and rounded to the nearest half cubic yard

Bulk material (more than 9 bags)

Quantities less then one cubic yard will be charged a minimum fee of $5

Leaves and grass clippings





Bagged and/or loose leaves are accepted.  Bagged leaves may have flower or vegetable garden trimmings along with grass clippings together in bags. These items all are disposed together in the same area. Non-woody material only.

Brush, Tree and Woody material





(Less then 10 inches in diameter )

Must be cut to 8 feet in length or less


Tree and shrub material needs to be free of soil material at the base. If bagged customer will need to empty bags in the designated area and place the emptied bag in it's designated area. If woody and non-wood material are mixed you will be charged the mixed load fee. All woody material should be separated from non-woody material.

Sod or clean soil




Pile of sod.jpg

Soil, Sod and Stump-grindings are accepted if it's free of any trash or rocks because it is considered not separable and the entire load will be refused.  This material needs to be separated from all other material.  If this material is bagged it must be emptied into the designated area.

Mixed Loads




Green Waste Recycling

Any loads the attendant feels aren't separable are charged as mixed loads. Bags that have material going to more then one area will be charged a mixed fee. Dump trailers that have loads that are mixed will also be charged as mixed.

Bulk Wood





(Larger then 10 inches in diameter )

Must be cut to 3 feet in length or less


Tree and shrub material needs to be free of soil material at the base. If bagged customer will need to empty bags in the designated area and place the emptied bag in it's designated area. If woody and non-wood material is mixed you will be charged the mixed load fee. All woody material should be separated from non-woody material.

Wood Chips




Limited to 30 cubic yards per day


Wood chips ran through a chipper and old mulch are accepted but they must be separated from all other materials because the disposal area is different then other woody materials.  If Chips are brought in bags they must be emptied in the correct area.

Commercial Bulk material

(All disposals rules must be followed or the load will be refused)

Street leaves




Compactor truck (Segregated)

Compactor truck (Mixed Load)

$15.00       ( October – January )



$17.50      ( February – September )



Any city or township seasonally gather leaves from the street, either by use of a streetsweeper or other machine.  Driver must inform attendant of material and dispose of material in designated area.

Compacted material during this time is charged due to the volume being compressed. Compactor truck are required to have the maximum cubic yards displayed on the driver's side of the truck.

Compactor loads have a 5 cubic yard minimum charge.

Compacted material during this time is charged at the mixed rate due to the majority of mixed material. Compactor trucks are required to have the maximum cubic yards displayed on the driver's side of the truck.

Compactor loads have a 5 cubic yard minimum charge.

Horse manure

Contact for price

Quality Wood Chips

Discount for Champaign County Certified Arborist only if meet qualification 

Limited to 30 cubic yards per day


There is a requirement for the nature of the horses' diet and limited dates for disposal.

It is best to contact us for details.


Only available during limited times throughout the year and offered to Champaign County Certified Arborist only.

It is best to contact us for details.


Cut Tree

What part of the tree we accept

Mathematically 1 Cubic Yard measurements are 3 feet tall, 3 feet long and 3 feet wide. Material is not simply to measure. To measure your material you must take a measurement from one direction, end to end(L). Measure from side to side(W) and the Highest point to the bottom(H). Multiple these 3 measurements together and divide the total by 27. The amount you get will be the Cubic Yard

Olive Grove


(Less than 10" in diameter)

* Please keep in mind the size requirements for brush are (diameter- no greater than 10 inches, length- no greater than 8 feet)


(Greater than 10" in diameter)

Bulkwood, limbs greater than 10" in diameter, must be cut into 3-foot or less lengths and separated from other yard waste.

Stump (Grounded)

(woodchips and dirt)

Stump-grinding is accepted if it's free of any trash or rocks because it is considered not separable and the entire load will be refused.

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