Summer Hours
Mar - Nov
Mon – Sat | 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Sun & Holidays
LRC - Updates and Changes
Beginning October 4, 2022
Introduction of Taxes
The Landscape Recycling Center will be upgrading our point of sale (POS) register soon. This will provide customers a more detailed receipt, including detailed sales tax for product purchases only. Tax will not be charge on the disposal of materials or other services.
Customers with charge accounts:​
The triplicate receipt used in the past at LRC will be discontinued. The new receipt will be a standard store receipt. This will eliminate the printing of multiple receipts that we are currently passing to customers.
Customers with charge accounts:​
Tax-exempt businesses or businesses purchasing products for resale should provide their tax-exempt certificate or a Certificate of Resale (CRT-61) as soon as possible. This must be done prior to visiting our facility. The attendant can't accept Tax-exempt request for purchases without documentation of tax-exempt
February 28, 2022
Purchases - Bulk
Garden Compost - $33.00 yd3
Stable-To-Soil Enhancer - $36.00 yd3
Pulverized Topsoil Blend - $46.25 yd3
Purchases - Up to 35-Gallon Bags/Containers
Garden Compost - $6.50
Stable-To-Soil Enhancer - $7.25
Pulverized Topsoil Blend - $7.25
Disposals – Bulk (only)
Wood Chips – $10.50 yd3
Roll-off Trucks - $16.50 yd3
Compactor truck (Mixed Load) - $15.50 yd3
Compactor truck (Segregated) - $13.50 yd3
Beginning August 1, 2021
Hours of Operation:
New times: Mon - Sat, 8am - 3:30pm​
Mask Requirements:
Mask are no longer required but we encourages customers to take appropriate health and safety
measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
LRC delivery Service changes
Delivery fees increase.
(Zone 1) 0 - 2 miles - $35.00
(Zone 2) 3 - 12 miles - $55.00
(Zone 3) 13 - 25 miles - $80.00
(Zone 3) 26 - 35 miles - $125.00
Due to the truck limitations we are only able to dump material on driveway at this time.